What would YOU do if you only had 24 Hours to Live?
How would you live your life if you knew tomorrow would be your last day?
How could you change your life so that you can live it more abundantly?
Make your list, then post it here as a comment.
Other comments are welcome, too. :)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Returning to my faith

The worst part about everything that's been going on before the past week or so is about my faith - or lack thereof.

I don't question the existence of God.  I may question organized religion's interpretation of what God is and represents, but I don't question that God exists.

There was a time when I didn't question that Jesus was who he said he was.  To be honest, I began to question that.  Now I'm back to being more secure in that belief.

But I had stopped reading my Bible.  Stopped praying.  Stopped talking to God.  No Bible study.  Nothing. 

Organized religion is....still not something I desire at this point.  Maybe soon?  I'm not sure.

For now, though, I'm happy that I'm at least back to reading my Bible (I'm ashamed to say that I had to really search for it before I found it) and spending time in communion with God.

It's a start.

Maybe this week I'll start looking into churches to attend next Sunday.


  1. Having read your viewpoint, we should talk, as I have knowledge, that's supports your feelings.

  2. Cool blog!

    I'll be praying for you. :)

    brother in Christ,
