What would YOU do if you only had 24 Hours to Live?
How would you live your life if you knew tomorrow would be your last day?
How could you change your life so that you can live it more abundantly?
Make your list, then post it here as a comment.
Other comments are welcome, too. :)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My Dream

I'm writing this down because ....well, I'm really not sure where else to put it, but I wanted to write it out before I forgot the details.

I was at a week-long competition.  It was a talent competition, basically.  People were there to sing, dance, etc.

You spent a week living at this place (huge, older hotel - very grand and beautiful) - practicing, living with the judges and other contestants, having elimination rounds, etc.

There were people there who had absolutely phenomenal talents - singers, dancers, actors - and of them were just as good as the people famous in their field today.   

The final day of the competition, we were all in one area, and there was a commotion going on.  I moved closer to the source of that commotion and found several judges and contestants upset and flustered because an older woman was there and no one understood what she was saying.  The competition was about to start and they couldn't find out what she needed (so they could get rid of her).

As I moved closer and listened, I found that she was speaking English, but it was with one of our local dialects (which is nearly impossible to understand if you're not familiar with it).   I smiled at the others and said to go ahead with the competition, that I would help the woman and then join them. 

The woman was asking what she should feed her son.  He liked unhealthy foods and she wanted alternatives.  I gave her some ideas; she thanked me and then I was on my way.

By the time I had gotten to the competition, I had lost my spot and was told I'd have to wait until the very end to perform.  I sat and waited.

When it came to be my turn, I took the stage.  I was in awe of the other contestants.  They were so talented.  

I took the microphone and looked at the judges.  I said:

"My parents asked me why I entered this competition.  I can't sing.  I can't dance.  I can't act. Hell, half the time I can barely string together 6 words to form a coherent sentence."  I paused and smiled. "But I have always been able to make people laugh.  That's why I'm here."  Then I woke up.


This dream spoke to me very clearly.  I'll give my interpretation of it later today (or maybe tomorrow).

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